
  • Wordless vocalise
  • 2 Sopranos & fixed audio
  • Challenging (professional level)
  • Duration: ca. 4 min.

Taking its title from Jewish folk melodies without words, in “Nigun” the sopranos sing folk-like melodies in shifting meters and rhythms.  Meanwhile, rhythmicized recordings of children playing weave in and out of the live voices.  “Nigun” was composed for and premiered by Elizabeth Derham and Karen Siegel in 2012.  The performance audio and click track will be available soon; in the meantime, please contact me if you are interested in performing this piece.


The score comes as a PDF download, with a license to print/photocopy the following number of scores:

Need an invoice first? No problem. Please contact me, and include the title and number of copies you need. 

Please let me know about your performance plans.

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